Titul Režie Země Rok Rozlišení Poměr stran Délka Jazyk Titulky trailer Hodnocení
A Girl From China Sonam Tseten Indie 2012 DVD 4:3 50min. Tibetan English and Chinese english and czech subtitles film web ČSFD
Milarepa Neten Chokling Bhutan/India 2006 DVD 4:3 90min. Tibetan Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Milarepa Movie Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,1/10
Summer Pasture Lynn True USA 2010 DVD 85min. Tibetan and English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Summer Pasture - Trailer (2010)".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,8/10
Beyond the Numbers: A Human Perspective on Tibet’s Self-immolation Katie Lin India/Canada 2012 DVD 4:3 26min. English czech subtitles film web ČSFD
Leaving Fear Behind Dhondup Wangchen Tibet 2008 DVD 25min. Tibetan and English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Leaving Fear Behind".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,2/10
DROKPA, TIBETAN NOMADS Yan Chun Su USA 2016 HD 16:9 79min. tibetsky English and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "DROKPA Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,3/10
Drapchi Arvind lyer Indie 2012 DVD 90min. Tibetan and English english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Drapchi-1".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,5/10
Dolpo Tulku: Return to the Himalayas Martin Hoffman Germany 2010 DVD 4:3 101min. Tibetan and English english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "DOLPO TULKU   RETURN TO THE HIMALAYAS".
film web ČSFD IMDB 6,9/10
Daughters of Wisdom Bari Pearlman USA 2007 DVD 16:9 68min. Tibetan english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM Theatrical Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,1/10
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion Tom Piozet USA 2002 DVD 104min. english English and Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "TIBET: CRY OF THE SNOW LION".
film web IMDB 7,6/10
Crazy Wisdom Johanna Demetrakas USA 2011 Full HD 16:9 86min. Tibetan and English english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Crazy Wisdom - Life and Times of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. New Official Trailer (HD). Shambhala".
film web IMDB 7,5/10
Tibet: Murder In The Snow Mark Gould Australia 2007 DVD 4:3 60min. English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Tibet: Murder In The Snow - Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,3/10
The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam India 1998 DVD 4:3 50min. English czech subtitles film web ČSFD IMDB
Nowhere to Call Home: A Tibetan in Beijing Jocelyn Ford USA/CHINA 2014 Full HD 16:9 83min. English and Chinese czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Nowhere to Call Home. A Tibetan in Beijing | Largometraje internacional".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7.8/10
Tibet`s cry for freedom Lara Damiani Australia 2008 DVD 16:9 52min. English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Tibet's Cry for Freedom Trailer".
film web ČSFD
What Remains of Us Hugo Latulippe a François Prévost Kanada 2004 DVD 4:3 77min. Tibetan and English english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "What Remains of Us".
film web IMDB 7,9/10
Dalai Lama Renaissance Khashyar Darvich USA 2007 DVD 4:3 81min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video ""Dalai Lama Renaissance" Documentary (with Harrison Ford) #3".
film web ČSFD IMDB 6,9/10
When the Iron Bird Flies Victress Hitchcock USA 2012 Full HD 16:9 96min. Tibetan, English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "TRAILER: WHEN THE IRON BIRD FLIES: Tibetan Buddhism Arrives in the West".
film web IMDB 8,5/10
The Sacred Arrow Pema Tseden Tibet 2014 HD 16:9 96min. Tibetan english, chinese and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "The Sacred Arrow 五彩神箭 片花".
film web
Brilliant Moon: Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Neten Chokling USA 2010 HD 57min. english czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "BRILLIANT MOON: Glipses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Official Trailer".
IMDB 8,5/10