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When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun Dirk Simon USA 2010 DVD 4:3 114min. English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "When The Dragon Swallowed The Sun [Official Trailer]".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,5/10
The Search Pema Tseden Tibet 2009 DVD 4:3 112min. Tibetan english and czech subtitles
The Sun Behind the Clouds Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam UK/India 2009 DVD 4:3 79min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet's Struggle for Freedom Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 6,8/10
Tibet in Song Ngawang Choephel USA 2009 DVD 4:3 82min. Tibetan, English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Tibet in Song Trailer.mov".
ČSFD IMDB 8,3/10
Meltdown in Tibet Michael Buckley USA 2009 DVD 40min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Meltdown in Tibet TRAILER = 720p HD".
film web ČSFD IMDB
Prayers Answered Geleg Palsang India/USA 2009 DVD 4:3 29min. Tibetan and English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Prayers Answered".
film web ČSFD
Mustang: Journey of Transformation Will Parrinello USA 2009 DVD 16:9 27min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Mustang - Journey of Transformation".
ČSFD IMDB 8,2/10
Tibet`s cry for freedom Lara Damiani Australia 2008 DVD 16:9 52min. English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Tibet's Cry for Freedom Trailer".
film web ČSFD
Leaving Fear Behind Dhondup Wangchen Tibet 2008 DVD 25min. Tibetan and English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Leaving Fear Behind".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,2/10
Sunrise/Sunset: Dalai Lama XIV Vitaliy Manskiy Russia 2008 DVD 16:9 72min. Russian English and Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Sunrise - Sunset | Dalai Lama XIV | Trailer |  Vitali Manski | The House of Film".
ČSFD IMDB 7,1/10
A Shawl to die for Rita Benerji India 2008 DVD 21min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "A Shawl To Die For".
Unmistaken Child Nati Baratz Israel 2008 HD 16:9 102min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Unmistaken Child Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,7/10
The Thread of Karma Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam India 2007 DVD 4:3 50min. Tibetan, English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "The thread of karma".
film web ČSFD
Fate of the Lhapa Sarah C. Sifers USA 2007 DVD 63min. Tibetan czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Fate of the Lhapa Trailer".
IMDB 8,1/10
Some Questions as to the Nature of Your Existence Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam India/Austria 2007 DVD 4:3 26min. Tibetan English and Czech subtitles film web ČSFD
Tibet: Murder In The Snow Mark Gould Australia 2007 DVD 4:3 60min. English Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Tibet: Murder In The Snow - Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,3/10
Daughters of Wisdom Bari Pearlman USA 2007 DVD 16:9 68min. Tibetan english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM Theatrical Trailer".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,1/10
Dalai Lama Renaissance Khashyar Darvich USA 2007 DVD 4:3 81min. English czech subtitles
Preview image for the video ""Dalai Lama Renaissance" Documentary (with Harrison Ford) #3".
film web ČSFD IMDB 6,9/10
Richard Gere is My Hero Tashi Wangchuk Tsultrim Dorjee India 2007 DVD 4:3 105min. Tibetan english and czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Richard Gere is My Hero film trailer".
The Unwinking Gaze Joshua Dugdale UK 2006 DVD 4:3 79min. english Czech subtitles
Preview image for the video "Unwinking Gaze Official Trailer May08".
film web ČSFD IMDB 7,3/10